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Education Learning Centre for Gifted Children from Kindergarten to Year 12

Our Services

We provide a range of individualised services for students from Kindergarten to year 12. From classic 1:1 tutoring to small groups, working anywhere from enrichment to extra support.

Education Experts for Gifted Kids in Australia

We're Here to Help

If you are confused about how to help your Bright child, Bright Minds Co. are here to help. We will create the ideal Individual Learning Pathway for your child. Here's what's included:

Access our experts in Gifted Education- Talk to someone who has studied Gifted Ed and understands the complexities of gifted learners.

Direct and to the point assessment reports. These are personalised and include everything an individual parent needs to help their child, be it a  mainstream, online or homeschooling educational situation.

An individualised learning plan to give guidance for your child's education.

Expert tutors and mentors- our tutors are experts in their fields. Gifted kids thrive with the influence of mentors and tutors who understand them.

A variety of options available to suit individual students.

Our Process

We conduct thorough assessments tailored to each ability and grade level, providing detailed reports on a student's placement. These reports guide personalized learning paths, including 1:1 tutoring or enrollment in enrichment/mentoring programs. Parents often share reports with teachers, and extra sections are available for at-home support suggestions. Paid consultations are offered for addressing specific child needs.



Your initial consultation with Bright Minds Co, will be to discuss your child and work out the best way forward for them. We will listen to you and your concerns and help you find a solution to fit your child. 



We offer an assessment package tailored to your child’s needs. This assessment comes with a written report and suggestions on where to take your child’s education relating to their particular needs.


Individual Learning Pathway

We can help fill any gaps in your child’s learning with expert 1:1 tutoring or move your child directly into enrichment or mentoring sessions. 

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Take a Further Look at Our Process
With Our Student

(Lane, Year X Student at Bright Minds Co.)

    Lane’s mum contacted us initially due to concern about her daughter’s educational journey and uncertainty about how to navigate the path forward. Lane had been identified and assessed as profoundly gifted, performing well beyond the standard school curriculum. Lane was a voracious reader, and a passionate writer, eager to explore new and exciting content. She was also deeply curious, researching areas of interest in detail. Although her school was highly supportive and had already accelerated her, Lane was becoming increasingly disengaged and frustrated.
    After careful consideration of her learning profile and specialist reports, Lane was offered 1:1 tuition in one of her passion areas, writing.
    1:1 Lane started at Bright Minds Co. with some expert 1:1 tuition for her writing and was then moved to a writing group where she was able to engage with work at her level, and importantly, socialise with like-minded peers.
    She thrived in an environment with students who were able to challenge each other, make suggestions, collaborate and connect. Bright Minds Co. enrichment groups presented Lane with concepts and ideas that exceeded her grade level, and she relished adding new and exciting writing techniques to her stories. Lane was able to grasp concepts with remarkable speed and apply them successfully, often on the first attempt. Lane then joined our coding/math group, which presented her with a different type of challenge- for the first time, she wasn’t always the quickest to catch on to concepts and needed to learn strategies to cope when she didn’t understand right away. This meant she needed to develop her growth mindset and address her perfectionism. Finally, Lane was working at her level, discovering challenges that were too hard for her and working on ways to demonstrate grit with her learning.
    With a lack of daily challenge and her levels of frustration mounting, Lane’s attitude towards school started to deteriorate and she started to exhibit signs of anxiety. Her mum booked another consultation session with us to try and find the best possible options.
    With a supportive school behind her, Lane is now accessing weekly mentoring with geophysicist Dr Salah during school hours. Mentoring with Dr Salah has been a game-changer and she spends hours after their sessions researching and learning independently! Lane is still attending the weekly writing enrichment class as well- she loved it so much that she was adamant about continuing in addition to the mentoring. She loves her weekly sessions at Bright Minds Co. and her parents reported “We are just so glad we found Bright Minds Co.”
    Our experience since we started with Bright Minds Co has been overwhelmingly positive. In addition to the obvious educational benefits, it is challenging to adequately articulate the effect it has had on our daughter's overall well-being. We were struggling to provide the right support for our profoundly gifted daughter and were seeking someone capable of connecting with her, stimulating her, and rekindling her enthusiasm for learning. When we came across Bright Minds Co. Kerrie’s passion about the academic and emotional wellbeing of gifted children, and her ability to establish a rapport with our daughter was evident from the start. Our daughter absolutely adores attending her writing class and relishes the opportunity to be creative beyond the realms of the curriculum. The supportive learning environment with like-minded peers means she has also been able to establish friendships. As with many gifted children, our child has always struggled if she cannot grasp a concept immediately. Having developed trust, Kerrie worked through this with her and subsequently, she now feels more confident to challenge herself. This growth in self-confidence is something she will continue to benefit from throughout her school journey. Recently, our daughter has also been working with Dr Salah, where she is able to explore topics of interest. She can direct what she would like to master, and Dr Salah has been guiding her with patience and kindness, with an expertise that is inspiring. He has a truly remarkable way of engaging with students and is so encouraging that it really motivates our daughter. Kerrie has not only provided invaluable support for our daughter but has also provided advice and guidance for us as parents. Kerrie has a deep level of understanding of the unique challenges that nurturing a profoundly gifted child presents and we are immensely appreciative of the support she has offered our family.

Testimonials From Students

Xavier, student at Bright Minds Co.
"Kerrie was very understanding of how I learnt and found ways to get learning across to me. I’m really thankful for Kerrie teaching me because if she hadn’t then I would have been extremely behind on all of my work and struggled in school. Kerrie is highly recommended for tutoring, and she is great fun to learn with."
- Xavier, Year 7 Boy

Assessment Packages

Parents love our assessment packages. We only use valid and reliable assessments that give parents and tutors easy-to-understand achievement data that can be used to guide tutoring. Our reports are no-nonsense and arm parents with the facts about their child's ability and often alleviate worries or confirm hunches. Given Kerrie's experience at both ends of the learning spectrum, you can be sure to find the help you need. Assessments are usually conducted during the school holidays.

Assessment Packages for Gifted Chuld Tutoring Guide
Learning Education Center for gifted kids in Australia

Does Any of These Sounds Like You?

You think your child might be gifted, but have not proof and who wants to say that out loud at school?

You feel your child’s needs are not being met at school.

Your child’s NAPLAN results were off the charts, but you now don’t know what to do OR this does not match your usual school report data.

You know you have a bright child, but they are not showing it at school.

If any of these sound like you, it’s time to give us a call. We understand what it’s like for a parent navigating the difficult terrain of a gifted child and how tricky this can be for parents. 

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